Identifying Performance Leverage Points for Enhanced Agile Delivery

from starting agile to accelerating delivery

Recent research indicates that organizational agility is a top-three priority in 70% of large companies, and nearly 40 percent are currently conducting an organizational-agility transformation.​

There is now an industry shift from starting Agile transformations to assuring that the agile delivery system is optimised and performing. ​

Source Agility’s System Performance service solves for the challenge of ​

“What do we change in the system to optimise agile delivery performance”. ​

finding leverage points in the system

This service involves collaborating with clients to undertake reviews, interviews, assessments and analysis to uncover what we call ‘performance leverage points’; areas of the system that need extra attention to enable the system to deliver and perform. ​

This review process is done with the people in the system and in the spirit of continuous improvement and support; not as an external audit. It is an accelerator service; Source Agility provides an external point of view to help clients to see and then solve the problems that they are often too close to.​

case study

Here is a case study example from our recent work that outlines how this workshop combines with our core service (Executive Alignment for Agile Adoption) to enable an organisation have its executive aligned on its agile strategy.

Need something specific for your organisation?

To discuss your specific situation you are invited to meet with Niall McShane, the founder and managing director of Source Agility.

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